Thursday 28 January 2010


Due to the imposing terrorists warnings upon London, the refusing to ride the tube by many girls in the center, and the heightening security with Tony Blair speaking tomorrow, I, Brittany Anne Carpenter, have decided to make my official statement.

I do not believe in terrorists, just like how I do not believe in sharks.

Yes, I have heard of many examples of terrorist and shark attacks and know that people have been affected by them. However, when a shark attacks in Carlsbad and is spotted in Oceanside, I'll still swim. I'm not going to let the slight possibility of death keep me from my most favorite thing to do. I love the ocean. Anyways. When a shark is spotted, the LIFEGUARD'S security is heightened, people are more aware, and I actually think it is the most safe time to swim. You know that there is risk involved. You won't be completely surprised if you happen to die. Also it weeds out the true ocean lovers, and the rest can burn in the sun and have no fun.

My point in telling you this is that I am refusing to let the possibility of a terrorist attack on London today, tomorrow, or forever, ruin my time here. Tomorrow is my day off for the week and I'm going to live it up and see as much of London as I can. I will even take the biggest chance of all and ride the bloody tube.

So, while this may not be the most politically sound theory (Bobette IS my mother and has said on the pulpit that she knows nothing about politics, I'm pretty sure I inherited those same genes), and while I may be one of the few who encounters a terrorist tomorrow, at least it will be more fun than being cooped up in the London center on my day off in fear of everything. Life is to be enjoyed and when it's your time to go you must seize the opportunity.

I do not believe in terrorists or sharks, but I do believe in fairies. Maybe, just maybe, as J.M. Barry teaches, if we all adopt this belief more terrorists will drop down dead and fairies will remain from going extinct.

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